

Sapphire, NC

In reference to your recent visit to my property at 83 Carefree Circle in Sapphire, NC, I wanted to follow-up with this letter indicating my complete satisfaction with the work you did involving inspection, troubleshooting and follow-up written correspondence for the Puraflo peat biofiltration - advanced wastewater treatment system.

We did not know much about this system and the alarm kept going off. Once you arrived, began your inspection and troubleshooting our problem was resolved. I was impressed with your knowledge of the system and I appreciate you explaining to me how everything works.

I have to give you a great deal of credit because we were expecting more problems. You worked with our system and made the necessary adjustments which eased our worries. The job you did was on time and within the budget that we had authorized.

On a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being the least satisfied and 10 being the most satisfied, I would rate you 10. I felt that you knew the product and service very well and that we received good value for the money we paid.

— Steven R. Avery
(view letter)

Flint Logistics Management - Roberta, GA

In reference to our correspondence recently, I wanted to follow-up with this letter indicating my complete satisfaction with the performance and outcome of the Compliance Status Report (CSR) for the Flint Logistics (former JP Steven’s plant) located in Louisville, GA. The CSR you completed for the industrial part of the facility (Tract 1, 202 acres) and the associated settling ponds for the wastewater treatment plant was done on time and within the budget that we had authorized. We appreciated you keeping us updated on the budget as the project progressed.

The site, which was formerly GAEPD-HSI listed, was a very difficult situation for us, initially. However once you got started and helped us deal with the Georgia EPD and other regulatory authorities we felt much easier with the process. As a result of your hard work and everyone’s effort involved with the project, we got though a very difficult situation as painlessly as possible and got the site de-listed. We were able to close out all the monitoring wells and got a “No Further Action” status on the site.

I felt that you knew the field techniques, the required protocols and the regulatory environment very well and that we received excellent value for the money we paid.

You are one I can recommend with complete confidence. Thanks again for your relentless efforts.

— Charlie Westberry
(view letter)